Demographics of Housing in Texas and California

The demographics subset of the project will present visualizations of demographics of household owners within California and Texas. These demographics include race, age, and education background.

Sunburst Chart of Educational Background of Homeowners in Texas and California

The following visualizations present a sunburst chart of the educational background that household owners of Texas and California have:


From the visualizations above, we are able to make the following insights:

Histograms of the Races of Owners and Renters of Households in Texas and California

The following visualizations present histograms for both Texas and California and the races of their household owners and renters:


From the visualizations above, we are able to make the following insights:

Sunburst of Ages of Household Owners in Texas and California

The following visualizations present the number of household owners within a specific age range in Texas and California:


From the visualizations above, we are able to make the following insights:

Icicle Chart of the Race of Household Owners in California and Texas

The following visualizations present an icicle chart of the races of the household owners in Texas and California:


From the visualizations above, we are able to make the following insights: